
Deprecation of Structured Data Files v6

Today we’re announcing the deprecation of Structured Data Files (SDF) v6. This version will sunset on April 30, 2025.

Migrate to SDF v7 or higher before the sunset date to avoid any interruption of service. Instructions on how to migrate from v6 to...

Introducing Google Meet LTI™

What’s changingTo help improve remote and hybrid learning, we’re introducing Google Meet LTI™ for Canvas by Instructure and PowerSchool Schoology Learning. This builds on the existing Google Workspace Learning Interoperability Tools including Assignmen...

The Fourth Beta of Android 15

Posted by Matthew McCullough – VP of Product Management, Android Developer

Today we're bringing you Beta 4, the last scheduled update in our Android 15 beta program, so make sure your apps are ready and you've given us any critical feedback befo...

Import and export Markdown in Google Docs

What’s changingIn 2022, we introduced expanded support for composing with Markdown in Google Docs on web. Today, we’re introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools. These include the abi...