
Improving Interoperability Between Rust and C++

Posted by Lars Bergstrom – Director, Android Platform Tools & Libraries and Chair of the Rust Foundation Board

Back in 2021, we announced that Google was joining the Rust Foundation. At the time, Rust was already in wide use across Android and ot...

Prompt users to update to your latest app version

Posted by Lidia Gaymond – Product Manager, Google Play

For years, Google Play has helped users enjoy the latest versions of your app through auto-updates or in-app updates. While most users update their apps this way, some may still be stuck on o...

A New Approach to Real-Money Games on Google Play

Posted by Karan Gambhir – Director, Global Trust and Safety Partnerships

As a platform, we strive to help developers responsibly build new businesses and reach wider audiences across a variety of content types and genres. In response to strong d...

What’s new with Google Cast?

Posted by Meher Vurimi, Product Manager

Since we launched Google Cast in 2013, we've been working to bring casting capabilities to more apps and devices. We have come a long way. Now, users can cast to many new devices, like TVs, speakers, smart...

Leverage Gemini in your Android apps

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering

Last week we unveiled our most capable foundation model, Gemini. Gemini is multimodal – it can accept both text and image inputs. We introduced a way for Android developers to leverage our smallest mod...

Faster Rust Toolchains for Android

Posted by Chris Wailes - Senior Software Engineer

The performance, safety, and developer productivity provided by Rust has led to rapid adoption in the Android Platform. Since slower build times are a concern when using Rust, particularly within ...

Hardening cellular basebands in Android

Posted by Ivan Lozano and Roger Piqueras Jover

Android’s defense-in-depth strategy applies not only to the Android OS running on the Application Processor (AP) but also the firmware that runs on devices. We particularly prioritize hardening the cellu...

A New Foundation for AI on Android

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering

Foundation Models learn from a diverse range of data sources to produce AI systems capable of adapting to a wide range of tasks, instead of being trained for a single narrow use case. Today, we announced ...

Virtual Machine as a core Android Primitive

Posted by Sandeep Patil – Principal Software Engineer, and Irene Ang – Product Manager

The Android Virtualization Framework (AVF) will be available on upcoming select Android 14 devices. The AVF, first introduced in Android 13 on Pixel devices, p...

Android Studio Hedgehog is stable

Posted by Sandhya Mohan, Product Manager

Today, we are thrilled to announce the stable release of Android Studio Hedgehog 🦔 : The official IDE for building Android apps!

In this Android Studio release, we have upgraded the IntelliJ platform to 2...

Bringing New Input Support to Desktop AVD

Posted by Joshua Hale – Software Engineer

As large screens become increasingly important within the Android app ecosystem, we are committed to enhance tools to help Android developers adapt their apps for these large screen form factors. In doing...

Ensuring high-quality apps on Google Play

Posted by Kobi Gluck, Director of Product Management, Google Play

Every day, Google Play helps billions of people around the world discover engaging, helpful, and enriching experiences on their devices. Maintaining consistently high app quality ...

Evolving the App Defense Alliance

Posted by Nataliya Stanetsky, Android Security and Privacy Team

The App Defense Alliance (ADA), an industry-leading collaboration launched by Google in 2019 dedicated to ensuring the safety of the app ecosystem, is taking a major step forward. We are...

Order Files in Android

Posted by Aditya Kumar – Software Engineer


Binary layout using a symbol order file (also known as binary order file or linker order file) is a well-known link-time optimization. The linker uses the order of symbols in order file to lay o...

Alpha Release of Telecom Library

Posted by Luke Hopkins - Developer Relations Engineer

Today we’re thrilled to announce that the Telecom jetpack library is now in alpha for developers who already have or are interested in creating voice and/or video calling applications. Our aim...

Increasing trust for embedded media

Posted by the Android team

Android WebView is a powerful and flexible API that Android developers can use to embed media in their apps, and continually improving its security and privacy protections is a top priority for our team. For example, em...

Upcoming Android Events

Posted by Anirudh Dewani, Director of Android Developer Relations

One of our favorite things to do is connect with Android developers–like you–around the world, and it’s even more fun when we’re able to do so in person. Earlier this year, we had ...

AndroidX moving to minSdkVersion 19

Posted by Aurimas Liutikas, Software Engineer on AndroidX

AndroidX libraries are moving to a default minimum supported Android API level 19 (previously 14) starting with releases in October, 2023. According to Play Store check-in data, nearly a...

Bare-metal Rust in Android

Posted by Andrew Walbran, Android Rust Team

Last year we wrote about how moving native code in Android from C++ to Rust has resulted in fewer security vulnerabilities. Most of the components we mentioned then were system services in userspace (runni...